Monday, April 18, 2011

Authentic Customer Service

Starbucks is a business model that any organization can learn from.  Feelings about the company run from "not-interested" to "I'll stand in line for 20 minutes to get my espresso." 

Howard Schultz, CEO, in his latest book, Onward has provided critical information concerning a method to make any organization more successful.  It is about the soft-side of business skills.  For sure, efficiency in the financial aspects of business are mandatory and require constant attention; but his message will give your organization the kind of soul that will have you thriving.

The essence behind "ONWARD" is romance.  This is a romantic business book.  The love affair and passion of people who have learned that coffee is much more than the glorification of the bean to the cup. 

Much of this 400 page book is self-glorification and it's real value to a shrewed business person could have easily been delivered in about 120. 

There is nothing new about the basics concerning customer service; quality products, guarantees, easy to purchase, and a feeling of, "I want to do more business with you".

Whatever your product, service, or mission it needs romance and spice.  My mother drank coffee every morning but I never saw her get excited about that black liquid.  Starbucks was able to accomplish this in a way never achieved by any other company in the history of coffee.

Howard, made a big deal about coffee after visiting an Italian coffee house.  He saw something few others did and applied his vision to his own little coffee shops.  The result being that there are thousands of stores globally producing revenue every hour, just so he can buy a new $45 million jet and enjoy some of the finest experiences that money can buy.

Twenty-five years later, from another shop owner in Italy, he learned anew the value of taking pride in what you do and doing it to its finest and best purpose.  If you do this and create passion for your organization great things are coming your way. Get his book and read diligently and searching between the lines for ways to apply his understanding to your organization. Onward is a small investment that will bring big rewards.

One other great thing is to get involved in the Jim Click Business Preferred Network and let's create something that will stir your soul.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Marketing Tips To Increase Sales

Business is starting to pick-up.  I think we will continue to see an increase in economic activity.  To help make this true will require some effort on your part. These five suggestions are basic to increasing your gross sales.  And, that means you have to commit to doing them and persevere.  Rewards will come but it takes time.  The sooner you commit, the sooner the rewards.
Tip 1. Who are the people most likely to buy what you sell?  And, where you can most likely find this prospect.
Tip 2. What are their most important issues.  Target how your product/service will provide a solution to their desire, pain, worry or concern.  The more in need they are, the more likely you will sell them.
Tip 3. The hook, make them an offer they can't refuse like deep discounts or even free.  Hook them and then start building the relationship.
Tip 4. Speak to them in their language using phrases and terminology they understand.  For them to hear you, they have to understand you. 
Tip 5. Make it easy to buy from you and trust you.  Offer guarantees and make it simple to reach you on their terms. Digital offers a method for constant contact 24/7.

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