Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Face-to-Face Marketing - Kindness at Work

The two basic aspects of successful marketing has been and will always be, Face-to-Face relationship building and the absolute necessity of providing exceptional customer satisfaction.

It matters not, how proficient we become in the use of digital development. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and any others are effective tools for telling our stories. However, nothing is stronger than backing up your product or service value through a good old conversation over a cup of coffee.

The humanistic side of business is key to success when building trust and brand loyalty. Build your brand on this foundation and you will succeed. Caring about the needs of others creates the glue that holds it all together. We call this "Goodwill"! Believe me, Jim Click did not build a great business just because he had some great cars and values. Mr. Click, from the heart, knew that a generous pocketbook along with a generous heart creates over thirty years of goodwill that serves him and our Tucson community well.

Join with us in the Jim Click Business Preferred Network and let's build some community goodwill for you and your brand. Kindness is a tough minded business tool. Use it. Put kindness to work.

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